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Writer's pictureMarianne Bryan


Hello, Marianne Bryan here. Aspiring traditionally published writer of adult fiction.

A bit about me. I'm Scottish and work as an English teacher in Glasgow. I absolutely love my job even though it is incredibly stressful and takes up all my time and energy (and has aged me about ten years in the three years I've been doing it). Since I can remember I’ve wanted to write novels. When I was a little girl playing ‘makey- up’ games was the only thing I wanted to do. My family still make me cringe by repeating my childish ‘one day’ - a sort of catch phrase I used as I narrated my way through the game. But, like many people, I suffer terribly from a case of the I-just-cant-finishes. I've started many, many, many stories. But the end eludes me.

I did finish a story. Once. It was one I wrote (and illustrated!) for my sister’s birthday. I was five.

This blog is my record of my attempt to get to the end! I have one real writing goal this year - finish the first draft. Of a novel. Any novel.

For so many writers out there this is a goal they possibly (probably) achieved in their distant youth. I've never made it. I'm not exactly old - I'm 28 - but I do desperately want to be published one day. And 28 is getting on a bit for never having made it to the finish line.

It's going to be hard. It's going to be messy. But I intend to make it to the end!

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